Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's been awhile.

It's been so long since I've last posted.

But it's because so much has happened since I've graduated CalArts. Or hasn't happened really.

I moved back to South Orange County, back to the bubble of platinum blonde, plastic house wives, the land of franchises, and cookie cutter homes and streets. From a community of artists that was so supporting and creative, ever evolving ever challenging, I moved back to a community that was everything but fact, it made me feel as though it was sucking any feeling of inspiration and creativity right out of me. I so easily lost sight of what I love, and the artistic energy that I thrived on.

But winds of change have blown favorably into my sails. I've decided to change scenery. And from California I'm moving to Florida and I'll be documenting that here as well.

I guess I'll be posting all sorts of things beyond my art work here now. I've been doing much more modeling, and some photography, dancing, among other things. I've been feeding my artistic soul with all forms of art and media and I want to start blogging about it again.

I've not many people to personally share this or much of my self with lately. So I'll share here, in hopes that maybe some soul would come upon it and enjoy it.

Here are a few pieces I've done with celebrity photographer Matthew Jordan Smith this past month. Doing these side projects have been helping me feed back into the part of myself that I love so much and thrive off of. Makes me feel like some form of an artist again.

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